Monday, June 17, 2019

DIY Mosaic Tile Mirror

Heloow peeps, 

We know that selecting and fixing tiles, applying grout, rubbing off excess & sealing it all up is the normal procedure anyone follows to build a bathroom. I, on the other hand, followed the same process to create this pretty & colorful mosaic tile mirror ! 😄 

Let's dive right into the materials needed and the process that I followed.

Materials Needed:

  1. Foamboard or Cardboard base
  2. Hot Glue gun
  3. Mosaic Mercantile Tile Adhesive
  4. Mosaic Mercantile Grout (White/grey according to preference - I used white)
  5. 1x1 inch Mosaic Tiles 
  6. Round flat mirror
  7. Rope / Floral Wire 
  8. Scissors
  9. Xacto Knife
  10. Pencil
  11. Spatula
  12. Masking Tape(optional)
  13. Washcloth / Rags


  • Take the desired size of cardboard / foam board and outline the circumference of the round mirror at the center of the board. 
  • Mark the desired circumference of the entire artwork on the foam board and cut off the extra portion using the Xacto knife, now we have a round base.
  • Mark two spots where you want to place the hanging wires and make two incisions.
  • Pass the rope or floral wire through it and tie them securely. 
  • Hot glue the spots to secure it in place. Now we have the hanger wire ready.
  • Place the round flat mirror exactly on the spot where you marked the outline earlier in Step 1 and hot glue it in place.
  • Start arranging the individual tiles one by one in concentric circles and glue them using the Mosaic mercantile adhesive.
  • Make desired number of rows of mosaic tiles in concentric circles. In this example, I made 6-7 rows.
  • Let the glue dry for 8-9 hours or preferably overnight.
  • Cover the Mirror using a masking tape (This step is optional since the grout comes off easily while wiping)
  • Using a spatula, spread the premixed grout mixture over the entire tile surface evenly so that it fills up the crevices and gaps between tiles.
  •  Follow the package instructions to let dry and after the specified time, use a damp washcloth/ rag to gently wipe off all the messy excess grout that is stuck on the surfaces.
  • Avoid vigorous scrubbing as this could remove the grout in between the tiles as well.
  • Let dry for 24 hours. 
  • The Mosaic tile mirror is now ready to be displayed on your walls. 

Monday, March 18, 2019

Describing the Northern Lights of Iceland !

Hello there ! This post has been pending for way too long before I just have to post something ! So here I go...!

every little miracle that surrounds us even in the most regular of days & that we occupyonly a tiny place in this grand scheme of cosmic play upon the vast rock called earth ! 

We took a week-long trip to this picturesque nordic paradise strewn generously with nature that is untouched by humans for the most part. Most of our adventure was done with our ride and stay in one - the campervan. We covered coast to coast in the East, West and Southern parts of Iceland and saw plentiful hidden jewels. But the most exciting part of our Winter Wonderland excursion was getting to see the Northern Lights phenomenon, also called as Aurora Borealis. 

We waited anxiously for three nights in a row to get a glimpse of these lights and I must say that it was one of the most exhilarating experiences that I've ever had in my life. They first appeared bleakly behind those mountains, first as a bright grey cloud and then grew stronger and stronger until they became a brilliant fluorescent green. This was such a grand entrance, I could barely contain my excitement; it was simply magical..🧙🏼‍♀️✨✨ 

As a child, I’ve read all about the Aurora phenomenon.. But when I saw it in real life, I must say I simply lost my mind..!! I felt such ultimate happiness to have witnessed this spectacle.

We were staring at the endless sky, watching these dancing lights, forgetting the fact that the harsh winter weather and brutal winds were becoming almost unmanageable. But those few hours, it was a torrid affair between us and the skies, despite all odds. I believe, we also saw a teeny hint of purple and pink. The ginormous waterfall just beneath it was barely the center of attraction anymore. 

They swirled and swirled endlessly, like gleaming curtains of fluorescent fire in the clear, cloudless starry sky. 

This particular bone-chilling, frigid winter night, I will never forget. We finally came to terms with one bucket-list item of a lifetime. We saw these incredible, incredible lights dancing over us like iridescent emerald curtains, snaking, swirling & swaying their way around those starry skies, reminding us ever so often that we have to be thankful for every little miracle that surrounds us even in the most regular of days & that we occupy only a tiny place in this grand scheme of cosmic play upon the vast rock called earth !