Wednesday, February 1, 2017

DIY Spoon Mirror

Hello Folks,

Once you start doing DIYs, there is no need to shell out money for the expensive home decor pieces at the stores. A creative mind is all that you need..Ahem ! In addition to craft supplies 😉

So, let me show you how to make the DIY spoon mirror.


Flat round mirror in the size of your choice
Plastic spoons - about 500 count
Hot Glue gun
Glue sticks
Cardboard / foamboard (3 feet x 3 feet or even bigger to suit the mirror size)
Spray paint in the color of your choice
A pointed tool or needle (to drill holes in the cardboard)
A strong thick rope or Yarn (to make the holder)
Masking Tape

Cut off the spoons' head alone, right in the neck part. Use a sharp scissors to do this. Adult supervision required.
source : Internet

Draw the outline of the round mirror on the surface of the cardboard.

source : Internet

Measure the size of how big you want your project to be.
From the center of the circle already drawn, draw a bigger circle outline. This will be the size of your spoon mirror.
source : Internet

Cut along the drawn outer outline of the cardboard to form a circle.

source : Internet

Mark points at the top of the board and poke two holes through it at a distance of 5-7 cm.
source : Internet

Pass the rope through it and secure a knot firmly.
Use the hot glue gun around the holes to provide extra security because the entire mirror is going to hang with the help of these holes and rope only. Be sure to fix the rope or string properly.
source : Internet
Next,using a hot glue gun, glue the spoon heads one by one on the inner outline.
Once you have completed the first row of spoons, continue gluing the spoons in the alternate gaps for every row till you reach the end.

Next comes the spray painting. You can do it before securing the mirror in the center or after securing it.
Use a color of your choice and spray it on the glued spoons to cover the entire area. I used gold color.
If you have already secured the mirror, use the masking tape to cover the mirror surface and spray paint on the rest of the area. Be sure to use the spray paint in a well ventilated area or out in the open.

For securing the mirror, use hot glue gun or an industrial strength glue to hold the mirror in place.
Once the mirror is fixed and the spray painting is done, let it dry for a while.
Now, this exquisite spoon mirror is ready to adorn your walls !

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